Wednesday, July 09, 2008


I am pretty mad right now. I went for a long run a while ago and I ran to the park around the back part 2 times then sprinted the length of the field 3 times and then jogged back. Then my neck starts itching like crazy and what do I get? HIVES!! All over my neck and arms and my eyes are swollen. Ahh!! I feel like I am dying for real. Never again will I do that run. Ever!

So first week of practice is done. My coach was really impressed I came lol. I went Monday because it was the first day and I ran tons! I was pretty sore on Tuesday. Then Tuesday I went did some long jump, sprints and went over one hurdle and my hips were hurting! I plan to miss next week because of Mexico trip this happy about that! Then the next week I think I am going to go Wednesday and Thursdays now so I can get distance in on Wednesdays and sprints Thursday. I want to be able to just stay at home Monday and Tuesday instead of going out and killing myself.

Going to go and watch Hollyoaks now. I am catching in on my episodes. :) best show

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