Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Fun Day!!

Today we went to Rosarito and did some shopping there. I got some stuff to sell when I get back to Cali and hopefully will make some money off of them and if not they will either make good christmas presents or look good in my room lol. I also go this new necklace. pic it! Only 1.95 too! Right now I am by the pool. My little brother and sister are still swimming. Siobhan hasnt gotten out yet only to go to the bathroom and Diego has taken breaks. They have been in thier for like 3 hours I think. I am a little hungry right now. and i really want to buy some chile covered mango slices down at the cnter but i spent all my money in ROsartio today. I might ask my dad if I can borrow a couple bucks. My computer is dying so I am going to have to go charge it. i might go to the lobby later to hang out.

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