Monday, January 18, 2010


School starts tomorrow. I was happy for it to start but now I am not so sure. I am pretty interested to see how my classes go because this semester they are pretty interesting to me. I bought my books or actually I rented them from a website called Chegg. I saved about 170 dollars. I was impressed and I planted 4 trees in Guatemala. Check it out free shipping and everything.

So this rainstorm is good for the earth because we all know we needed some rain but why couldn't it of come last week when it was supposed to come? Going to school in the rain is not very fun let me tell you. Our school is a natural dam for water. It floods the grass sucks in no water and it just builds up on the sidewalk. When you try to get out of the rain its hard because everyone heads to the cafeteria or the library. No refuge at all.

Tomorrow I take my test at the DMV. After I pass I will have to set up my insurance. I got a notice from the DMV the other week saying if I do not show proof of insurance for my scooter I will have to pay a fine. Its not like I can ride it this week anyhow with the rainstorm we currently have.

1 comment:

NoeChill said...

I know what you mean about school starting. I gradually became restless during winter break, counting down the days until Winter Quarter started. Then the quarter started and three days into it I was wishing to be back in break.

Eh, I like the sun. Rain is okay. I dislike snow. The thing I don't like about rain is the soggyness of everything afterwards.