Thursday, December 30, 2004

Going out today!

Today I am going to spend a day with my friend Elizabeth at the block. We are going to see Spanglish and go SHOPPING! I leave in about an hour and right now I am just checking my email and listening to Bob Marley. Nothing interesting. Today we get our cable (a gift from my grandma). Thats all for right now.

Monday, December 27, 2004


I got an VERY BAD grade check from my school on Christmas Eve (nice huh). Anyways I have TWO F's and one D. We already knew that I had an F in Geometry and I am currently slowly raising it. I an so close to having a D. The others are in Spanish (not very good since my dad does know spanish) and a D in English (one of my dads best subjects). Luckly I can raise them up by Febuary (when the semster ends). In math its going to take extra work, but if I raised it up 4 points in a week and a half, I can do it.

Thursday, December 23, 2004


Ok so I didn't do that well at the track meet, but I have been injured for about a week. My hip has been hurting alot and it pops and hurts when I walk. I started jogging on Wednesday but today it started hurting more. A lady who practices at our school and is coaching us until our coach comes back told me she had the same problem. She said my hip might of gotten out of place and I might need to see a chiropractor. Scary!!

Well thats all until tomorrow. Today was my last day of school!! I am now on Christmas vacation and tomorrow is CHRISTMAS EVE!!

Friday, December 10, 2004

Track Meet

TOMARROW I have an off-season track meet at Cerritos college. I am so nervous. I just have to look at it as a practice meet. i am still nervous. not about the 400 but the 200.

Well I will write my results tomarrow.

Oh I also have another one next Saturday.